Amara’s Big Scary Race

Amara has trained all summer long for a big race. Because she put so much work in, she is confident that she will be successful. But when an unexpected event occurs, Amara learns how to persevere in order to still reach her goals.

“Amara’s Big Scary Race” will teach your child what to do when they meet a fork in the road when trying to accomplish their goals. A light and simple way to teach your child perseverance on a level they will understand.

About The Author

Ruth Obiarinze

A physician and an author, Dr. Ruth Obiarinze has had a strong love of reading since participating in reading contests at the local library when she was a child. She has a passion for teaching lessons through charming stories fit for the younger generation. Her stories are relatable, child like and simple and leave the reader with a loveable lesson.

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