Whiny Whiny Whale

Join the Whiny Whiny Whale, always sad and grumpy, and his friends on a rhyming underwater adventure as they navigate the sea of emotions. Will Whiny’s friends help him see the joy life has to offer?

This fantastic read teaches children about mental strength, resilience, and growth mindset. Through this book, your children will be introduced to mental health, emotional strength, and social skills. They’ll learn techniques to develop a strong mind, understand that making friends can be challenging, and discover new coping skills to overcome negative emotions.

About The Author

Jackie Cano

As a mom of three incredible kiddos, my storytelling journey began right at home. I’d spin tales from the threads of my imagination, creating memorable moments that my little ones adored. Now, I’m thrilled to share these enchanting stories with you!

When I put pen to paper, my aim is to craft stories that are not just entertaining but also carry meaningful lessons. Each tale is a delightful blend of creativity and education, leaving young minds both enchanted and enriched.

I’m honoured and grateful for the chance to extend this literary adventure beyond my family. Join me in exploring stories filled with adventure and wonder! As a military spouse, I draw strength from my supportive husband, infusing resilience and joy into every page.

Beyond storytelling, you’ll find me diving into creative outlets like sewing and crafting. My creativity knows no bounds, and it spills into every page of my books, creating worlds that captivate and inspire.

Oh, and did I mention, I absolutely love writing in rhyme? Though I write in other forms, I find that rhyme is my favorite. It adds a musical touch to the tales, making them even more delightful for little ears.

Ready to embark on a magical adventure with me? I would love to have you follow along and let my stories find a cherished place on your bookshelf.

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