The Mirror Box

Christopher and Papa are inseparable. They play games together, go hiking together, and laugh together.

But one day Christopher’s mom enters his room with tears in her eyes and bad news to share. Papa has passed away. Unsure how to move on from this awful news, Christopher spends the day in his room, wishing Papa was by his side. Then with the help of his dog, Sammie, Christopher discovers the Mirror Box. Soon, Christopher realizes that Papa might not be so far away after all.

The Mirror Box is an honest story of one boy’s journey from grief to acceptance. As readers follow Christopher, they’ll experience the hope and peace that comes from this magical, heartwarming gift.

Much deserved silver medal winner of the 2024 “Reader’s Favourite” award, in the Children – Concept genre.

About The Author

Wade W. Bergner

Wade Bergner is an award-winning children’s author and founder of The Emotional Agility Matters Children’s Series. His books are designed to instill self-worth, connection, and emotional agility in young minds.

Wade’s read-along stories help create a comfortable space for families and children to discuss their emotional challenges and questions. He sincerely hopes his stories bring joy to every reader, child, and adult.

Wade is a father of two sons and lives in Maiden Rock, Wisconsin.

Connect with Wade via his website or

“As a grandparent, President of a Philanthropic Foundation and 50 year psychotherapist I would highly recommend that you buy The Mirror Box for your child, grandchild or their friends as a gift. It so sensitively addresses the largest taboo in our culture the death of a relative without dogma, blind belief and with the perfect heartfelt message and wisdom. It answers how do you keep someone you love alive when they die without having to give normal platitudes or black and white answers. Every child from 5 years old on would benefit from holding these thoughts and images at a time of great need. It also is an equally great message well before any loss occurs. For the many that are looking for the sensitive grounded way to address the subject, you will find this book appealing to guide you, no matter your age.“

Dr. Robert Strock

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